Title: Isabel's War (Chapter book)
Author/Illustrator: Lila Perl
APA Citation: Perl, L. (2014). Isabel's war. Brooklyn, NY: Lizzie Skurnick Books.
Lexile Score: N/A (Ages 14 and up)
Target Audience: I agree that this book would be appropriate for anyone 14 and older. With a good plot line and historical accuracy, I believe it would be a great book to inspire critical thinking of a variety of topics.
Summary: This book depicts a young girl, living in America, who did not understand or appreciate the historical significance of the events around her. Growing up during WWII, it was not until a distant cousin arrived from Nazi Germany that the girl realized the world was much bigger than her sheltered life had portrayed.
The theme/moral of the story was worthwhile and provided a non-biased
message for the reader.
Theme of the story was worthwhile but portrayed a somewhat biased
message for the reader.
Theme of the story was somewhat worthwhile, but portrayed a biased
message for the reader.
Theme/moral of the story was not worthwhile and portrayed a biased
message for the reader.
Characters in the story were relatable and did not portray typical
Characters in the story were relatable but some characteristics
portrayed typical stereotypes.
Characters in the story were somewhat relatable, however portrayed
characteristics typical of
Characters in the story were relatable and portrayed characteristics typical of stereotypes.
in the story were relatable and did not portray typical stereotypes.
in the story were relatable but some characteristics portrayed typical
in the story were somewhat relatable, however portrayed characteristics typical of stereotypes.
in the story were not relatable and portrayed characteristics typical of stereotypes.
Multicultural Aspects
Story provided accurate representations of several cultures.
Story provided accurate representations of more than one culture.
Story provided accurate representation of only one culture.
Story did not provide accurate representations of the culture discussed.
Historical Value
The story's historical references were accurate and did not convey a
biased opinion of the event depicted.
The story's historical references were accurate, did convey some
biased opinion of the event depicted.
The story's historical references were somewhat accurate, and did
convey a biased opinion of the event depicted.
The story's historical references were not accurate, and conveyed a
biased opinion of the event depicted.
Self and Social Identities
This book positively counteracts stereotypical messages based on
gender, color, economic status, family structure, and/or abilities.
This book attempts to counteracts stereotypical messages based on
gender, color, economic status, family structure, and/or abilities.
This book does not reinforce stereotypical messages based on gender,
color, economic status, family structure, and/or abilities.
This book reinforces stereotypical messages based on gender, color,
economic status, family structure, and/or abilities.
This book did not contain any "loaded" words, and used alternatives
to generic terms.
This book did not contain any "loaded" words, but did use
some generic terms.
This book did not contain "loaded" words, however,
consistently used generic terms.
This book did contain "loaded words, and consistently used
generic terms.
Overall Rating
I would use this book in my future classroom and recommend it to
other teachers.
I would try to use this book in my future classroom and might
recommend it to other teachers.
If the occasion arose, I might read this book, but probably would not
recommend it.
I would not use or recommend this book.
Overall Score: 25/32
Literary Elements: Imagery, Simile, metaphor, alliteration, expressive font
Social Justice Elements: Overcoming obstacles, Cultural Awareness, Empathizing for others, Coming of age
Sample Lesson: If I were to do a lesson on this book, I would pair it with the Diary of Anne Frank, and use them to explore the events of the time period. I would focus on the historical relevance of the novels and use them to make history come alive. By using both of these books together, the students would be able to get a more accurate picture of what was going on in the world in this time period.